OpenPlant Modeler Help

Place a Component in Space

Note: It is suggested that the user should be proficient with the AccuDraw tool when routing any type of component in OpenPlant Modeler .
  1. Open the Standard Preferences dialog and set the HVAC System and component values.
  2. Select a component option from one of the HVAC galleries. (The HVAC module has several different types of components in Rectangle, Round or Oval shapes.) The Place Component dialog will displays. This is a general OpenPlant Modeler dialog which is specific to the type of component being placed.
  3. Pick one of the following Placement Points for the duct in the Place Component dialog:
    • Main Port
    • Run Port
  4. Expand the HVAC Port Settings tab and define the options available for the port end preparations.
  5. Click the Design Conditions to define the size parameters for the component. (Width, Height, etc.)
    Note: You may use the other property fields in the Placement dialog to define more specific values for the component as needed.
  6. Pick a point in the drawing, or input the (x,y,z) coordinates in the AccuDraw window to determine the placement point.

    An outline of the component displays.

  7. Use the mouse to determine the direction for the component.
  8. Left-click to accept.
  9. Again use the mouse to determine the rotation for the component.
  10. Left-click to accept.
  11. Right-click to end the placement procedure.